
Southampton Solent University

The new sports building is located on the northern extent of Southampton Solent University’s East Park Terrace Campus. The campus lies to the west of East Park, a Listed Park in the heart of Southampton.

As the new sports facility is part of a broader campus it is vital that the landscape integrates with the wider masterplan, as well as having its own identity and character. This has been achieved through the choice of materials and use of a coordinated palette.

Working closely with Architecture PLB, we have developed a strong design for the apron around the new Sports Facility for Southampton Solent University.

The landscape draws from and relates to the articulation of the building envelope, with the paving design keying into the articulation of the brick work on the building elevation. This strong geometry allows for a rhythm of elements to be stitched into the overall design, with seating, cycle stands and other street furniture slotting into the composition. This allows the landscape and public realm to be both engaging but also very usable and legible for students to navigate.

The main entrance piazza provides a strong setting for the architecture whilst also delivering a gathering space and enhanced connectivity through to the park and wider connections to Southampton.


Image: © Architecture PLB

Image: © Key frame