
16 Feb 2018 – Planning submitted for Phase 2 Bluebell Road Masterplan

Following completion of a successful  Masterplan and LVIA for Bluebell Road, a 5.5 hectare site in the Yare Valley on the edge of  Norwich, and the delivery of Phase 1, Ubu are delighted to continue working with McCarthy and Stone on Phase 2 which has now been submitted for Planning. The landscape approach to Phase 2, which incorporates bungalows for the over 55s, is very much driven by sensitivity to the broader landscape and good connectivity to the natural landscape,  and includes a mix of informal and formal landscaping, through both private and communal gardens. Bungalows are seen as an essential part of the housing mix by the new Housing Minister Brandon Lewis, who believes they are a good downsizing opportunity for older people freeing up bigger homes for families with children www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/greenpolitics/planning/11037886/England-needs-more-bungalows-says-new-planning-minister.html