3 July 2019 – GE Aviation, Hamble
GE Aviation, Hamble have submitted a planning application to build up to 147 residential units. The site is part of the wider GE campus which is currently used for aviation manufacturing. The housing development will deliver 1.3 hectares of public green space, a new play area, improved sports facilities and replacement car parking spaces.
As part of the plans, Ubu have been commissioned to review the context and setting of Sydney Lodge which was designed by Sir John Soames. The lodge will be stripped back to its original form removing a number of modern extensions and restored to its original Soames design. Working with Radley House Partnership we will develop designs for grounds to deliver a new conference and community facility for both GE and the broader community> This will provide a stunning entrance to the rationalised GE manufacturing facility.
Additionally seven redundant existing factory buildings would be demolished within the northern part of the campus to allow for the development and creation of replacement car parking for GE employees.