
10 March 2021 – Building works progressing at the SLG Covent

Building work is progressing well on the externals to the Sisters of the Love of God Convent in Oxford!

Ubu Design were appointed by SLG Convent to develop landscape proposals as part of the redevelopment of the existing convent.  Working closely with MEB Design and the wider project team Ubu have produced a landscape strategy to respond to the needs of the convent community while respecting the existing character and setting of the convent grounds.

Proposals have been developed through a series of design workshops to provide a scheme that responds to the needs of the sisters and addresses concerns over future access as well as creating an attractive sequence of external spaces reflecting the sustainable ethos of the community.

As part of the redevelopment and refurbishments proposed a new cloister is to be created forming a focal point to the convent and giving enclosure to a new garden providing a tranquil space for quiet contemplation.