
Merchant Taylors’ Prep School

Ubu were appointed alongside ArchitecturePLB and the Terrell Group to work with Merchant Taylors' Prep school to create a new reception building.  The now completed scheme will bring together visitor reception, administration and staff facilities to create a welcoming arrival and new entrance into the school. The school’s ...

Cleeve Meadow School

Cleeve Meadow School is a new school in Sidcup  designed to provide specialist education for 120 pupils aged 11-19 with moderate learning difficulties. The new free school has 12 teaching rooms, a therapeutic hub, large open plan library and IT space. Facilities will also include a specialist music department, ...

BSN (Bishop’s Stortford North) Primary School

With 2,000 new homes planned for Bishop's Stortford North, Hertfordshire County Council want to build two primary schools and a six form entry secondary school to meet the rise in demand. The first primary is due to open in September 2020, with the secondary school opening in 2022. The school is split over 2 levels ...

Deer Park School

Ubu design were appointed by Kier to provide landscape proposals as part of the bid submission for a new ESFA funded school in Botley, Southampton. Working closely with the architects, Stride Treglown and the engineer’s Crouch Waterfall a series of design options were developed and refined during the Client Engagement ...

Southampton Solent University

The new sports building is located on the northern extent of Southampton Solent University’s East Park Terrace Campus. The campus lies to the west of East Park, a Listed Park in the heart of Southampton. As the new sports facility is part of a broader campus it is vital that the landscape integrates with the wider ...

Bournemouth and Poole College

UBU were commissioned to create a vibrant new heart at the center of the Lansdowne Road Campus, that provides a new public realm setting for the existing and proposed two new buildings on the campus and offers easy access between these buildings and the broader area. Our landscape proposals are designed to deliver an ...

Stapleton House

Ubu Design undertook the pre-planning landscape aspects, detailed planning permission and the detailing and implementation of the external designs for a 10 storey, 862-bed mixed use scheme at Stapleton House, Islington. Designed to help meet the future housing needs of LMU students and regenerate the local area, ...