Louise Ward

Louise Ward Ba DipPD CMLI
Associate Director
Louise has come to UBU after over 20 years in Local Government.
After graduating in Landscape Architecture from Greenwich University, Louise joined Havant Borough Council where she had several roles, including Senior Landscape Architect and Urban Design Officer for 13 years, and completed her Post Grad in Landscape Architecture whilst working at Havant.
She then moved to Test Valley Borough Council, heading up the Landscape & Ecology Team, and has been involved in delivering various development management functions in the Planning Service including giving evidence at hearings and an Inquiry.
Her previous roles included various design and enhancement works for public realm schemes including onsite liaison with stakeholders and contractors. At Test Valley she designed and helped deliver the Town Mills Riverside Park, changing a road to a new public park in Andover Town Centre.
She has a strong arts and design background, helping to procure public artworks funded through S106 and often designing their setting. She has a good knowledge of AutoCAD and Sketchup.
Louise enjoys challenges in planning and design – combining creativity and innovation alongside the practical and technical aspects of the built and natural environment for better sustainable solutions.