
Image of Rachel Williams, Ubu Urban Design Director

Rachel Williams CMLI DipUD BSc (Hons) MA

Landscape Architect and Urban Designer

Rachel has 20 years of public and private sector experience as an urban designer and chartered landscape architect with a background which also encompasses planning.

She initially gained a degree in horticulture, before continuing with postgraduate studies in Landscape Architecture and Urban Design.

Rachel’s experience ranges from visioning, design briefs, masterplanning and design coding for major urban extensions through to designing and detailing on public realm projects. She also has considerable landscape planning expertise, and undertaking LVIAs and ES chapters is one of her specialities.

An experienced facilitator of community and stakeholder events, Rachel utilises a variety of approaches to community engagement in order to develop positive foundations from which to progress projects.

Rachel is skilled in creating distinctive new places through design-led masterplanning and has previously led the design of an urban extension at Wokingham and a residential and employment neighbourhood in the New Forest.

She brings to each project an in-depth understanding of the commercial realities of development and is adept at progressing projects to successful outcomes, from strategic site promotions through to discharge of conditions.