Southern Grove
New housing scheme which will create 78 homes for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The project includes new build affordable apartments alongside a former Victorian workhouse building which will be sensitively converted to create 36 private rent apartments.
The project, which sits on the edge of a conservation area, has required a sensitive approach to maximise the site capacity for new housing whilst also respecting the urban context and surrounding historic buildings.
The Landscape is key to organizing access to the blocks as well as defining public and private space in a subtle way as not to create obvious physical boundaries. This is achieved through the positioning of planting and configuration of space and fencing to provide a scheme that feels very open but provides able security.
The landscape provides a number of spaces for both public and private usage. This includes a small informal natural play area for residents and the broader public, as well as community gardens and private terraces..
The site comprises of two buildings, a Victorian former workhouse constructed c1872 and a 1980s 4 storey office building which been vacant for the last 13 years.
Plans include the demolition of the office building and construction of a residential apartment block to provide 42 units of affordable housing. Southern Grove Lodge will be refurbished and converted to provide 36 residential units for private sale.
The development would contribute to the broader regeneration of the area and assist in the delivery of much needed new and affordable housing
The design, height, scale, form and massing of the apartment block will be contemporary, modern and will sensitively respond well to Southern Grove Lodge, which is a non-designated heritage asset.
The initial landscaping strategy proposed for the site by Ubu seeks to deliver coherent useable spaces that provides well defined circulation routes separating pedestrian and vehicular movement. There would be connectively between the communal and children’s play space fronting Southern Grove Lodge and the wider areas of communal amenity space deeper within the site.
There would be a notable improvement in soft and hard landscaping with the introduction of new hedges, trees, planter beds, grassed areas, timber seating and paving to the courtyard areas.
The scheme will also include other biodiversity and ecological enhancements in the form of a biosolar green roof, an excellent range of nectar plants and the provision of bird nesting and bat roosting boxes.