
Winnall Flats

The Winnall Flats Development in Winchester is a highly sustainable affordable housing scheme which will provide 73 flats and 3 houses in an enhanced landscape setting for Winchester City Council’s New Homes Delivery programme.

The New Homes Team appointed Wates Construction Ltd to take the project through the planning and design stages.  T2 Architects and Ubu form the design team.

The new flats will be a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom and shared ownership and rented. The garages will be demolished and parking will be provided for both the existing and new flats in a range of small and large parking courts. 

The new homes are being designed to be as energy efficient as possible, with the aim to achieve the AECB standard (Association for Environment Conscious Building) benefitting both the occupants and the environment.

Ubu will be providing landscape design to improve the open spaces around the site, provide link footpaths and develop a new community garden to the south of the site.  

The development received planning approval in July 2021.